Safe Streets & Infrastructure
Society spends countless hours on streets, sidewalks, bikelanes, and crosswalks; and we count on them to be safe. We use them to walk, visit families, get to work, and IDHCC works to ensure streets are safe, comfortable, and reflective of the community that uses them.
IDHCC has worked on and supported multiple projects; lighting, beutifying, and diversfying the streets of the I.D.
Programs & Accomplishments
In the early years of IDHCC, community organizers and leaders saw a need for lighting the streets of the I.D.. Land owners were collaborated with to put up llghts. Something simple that lead to a reduction in crime and speeding, and an increase in safety and equitable use.
Ciqlovia is an annual October event located in primarly in the I.D., meant to demonstrate how streets can be used when not dominated by cars. Uses are diversified, temporary bikelanes are put in, and the community takes over on foot, and through other activities.
Many I.D. residents don’t have easy access to cars, and public transportation is the easiest, or only way to get around. IDHCC has partnered with organizations like T4B, Abq Bus Rider Union, Energy Foundation, and NAVA to mobilize the community, advocate for, and implement free bus fairs in Albuquerque indefinitely, in addition to a larger budget for maintance and security.
The arterial street Zuni, is a main street running east to west through the International District. Once a busy four-lane deadly road, is now a two lane road with a turning middle section, and painted protected side sections due to IDHCC and other community partners advocacy.